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Château de Bonneval

On guard!

Princesses and knights, follow in the footsteps of the heroes of Bonneval!

Follow the Lion of Bonneval to discover what you can do at the Château...

Activité enfant

Au château de Bonneval, vos enfants remonteront le temps au cours d’une visite ludique spécialement pensée pour les enfants (Durée une demi-heure)

(Adaptée aux enfants de 5 à 12 ans + 1 seul accompagnant) 

At the Château de Bonneval, your children will go back in time during a visit specially designed for them. (Suitable for children aged 5 to 12 at 4 p.m. sharp.)

In costume, they will discover how the occupants of the castle lived in the past.


The visit is over? It's time to take part in the workshops! Make your own sword, shield or magic wand... in the central courtyard of the castle.

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